Student Workshops

From Hagah’s Devour Program: check there for more detail

A) Bible Snacks– How to devour the Bible! Find out a few secrets to help the Bible
come alive while reading it!
B) Fish Sticks– From Fishing to Fishsticks- becoming Jesus’ true disciples. What did
it look like in Jesus’ time to be a disciple and what does that mean for us

C) Bread Crumbs- Discover the Bread of LifeThe Real Jesus. When we pay
attention to who Jesus really was and is, it changes how we live. Who
knows when we will leave with breadcrumbs under our fingernails while
serving others or witness miracles like the early disciples!
D) The Giant Gulp– Owning your faith story and sharing it! During this session
students will discover their unique faith story aka testimony and find easy
ways to share it with others.

E) Sweet Ears- Hearing God’s Voice and the Prayer Adventure. In this session, we
will unpack some of the myths about prayer and find some transform your
chats with God.

F) I’m weird, who’s not? Discovering how God wired us, helps us to discover more
fully the unique leaders God is calling us to be.
G) The Naked Truth about Sex and Dating– In this session, we will chat about: what
is opposite sex really thinking; how guys and girls heads are wired
differently; the challenges of guy/girl relationships; and a new word to use
instead of “wait.”

For leaders and students:
The Belonging Company– In this session, we will unpack how to create a ministry full student leaders where everyone has a place to serve.